USD$ 4.00

Our Tri Datu Yarn Bracelet is a beautiful gift in a card.

If you look closely, you will see that the Balinese people wear these unique bracelets.  Traditionally they have three colours, Red, White, and Black.

Balinese people wear the Tri Datu Yarn Bracelet as an accessory with a deeper meaning and philosophy.

You wear this blessed bracelet until it falls off. It creates sanctity and gives you protection. Our bracelets have been purified by holy water and is considered sacred.

Tri Datu comes from 2 words, “Tri” meaning Three and “Datu” meaning King.

The “Tri Datu” or “three colours” mean:

Red   ~ symbolizes the god ~ Brahma

White ~ symbolizes the god ~ Shiva

Black  ~ symbolizes the god ~ Vishnu

These 3 gods are Trimurti, a symbol of birth, growth and return. They also symbolize the power of the three elements, fire, water, and wind.

Tri Datu as a symbol reminds us that life is not just one colour, but many colours.

The use of the Tri Datu yarn is a symbol that Balinese Hindus are always protected by God.

Wearing the Tri Datu Yarn Bracelet you are reminded of the greatness of your God and the value of life, family and friends.


CARD SIZE: 9.5 cm x 15 cm

ENVELOPE SIZE: 9.5 cm x 16 cm
